Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Manukan Island Trips

Last weekend on the 14 May 2011, my company organised a trip to Manukan Island for the staff and the family.
Punya ler meriah seawal jam 7.30am all the staff gather at Jesselton Point. After tue jam 8.00am terus bertolak ke Pulau Manukan dalam 25 minit dari jetty Jesselton Point. After having breakfast, we all include GM went for swim. Dari jam 8.00 am sehingga jam 5.00 p.m, kami berada di sana.........

Nikah Ayra Ariana & Addli Suhaibe

17th of May 2011 was a big day for my friend Judith Andrew Sikain @ Ayra Ariana A. Skain Abdullah with her husband Mohd Addli Hj. Suhaibe at Masjid Negeri Sabah. 

Bila sampai aje di Bilik VVIP, terlihat muka Puan Ayra Ariana berseri-seri sambil melihat kami yang datang. Alhamdullilah, semua berjalan dengan lancar, walaupun cincin pengantin tertinggal di rumah...... Tiada ada kata yang lain, kecuali Selamat Pengantin Baru dan bahagia ke anak cucu....

Thursday, May 5, 2011

MGC - Mapun Generation Club

I was invited fro a gathering on 17 of April 2011 for Mapun Generation Club. I felt very happy to know that family relative I'm never known. Thank to MGC for the affort to have this such reunion for us to meet.

7 Nights At SMC

Baru hari ini Sue buat new entry selepas 7 malam ditahan dalam ward disebabkan mata sebelah kanan tidak dapat melihat dengan jelas. Ceritanya begini, pada 10hb Februari lepas, saya telah berjumpa dengan pakar mata di SMC. Setelah diperiksa dengan teliti oleh Dr. Dayang Sayalam, dapati retina mata Sue tidak melekat di dinding mata. Ini disebabkan film mata Sue melengkung dan mengandungi cecair(air) didalamnya serta di belakang mata Sue juga mempunyai radang dan pendarahan.

Doktor terpaksa menahan Sue untuk pemeriksaan lanjut bagi mengenalpasti apakah rawatan yang harus diberikan. Hari pertama ditahan, Sue dikehendaki membuat MRI (Brain Scan) dan X-ray bagi memastikan tidak ada ketumbuhan di dalam mata serta sampel darah bagi ujian makmal.

Hari kedua, pada sebelah pagi, Sue berjumpa dengan Doktor untuk mengetahui keputusan MRI, X-ray dan darah. Didapati bahawa seluruh badan mempunyai 24% mengalami radang dan tidak ada ketumbuhan di dalam mata. Doktor menyarankan untuk rawatan kemenggunakan Prednisolone iaitu sejenis dadah/steroid bagi meredakan radang serta mengurang air di dalam retina mata sue d. Oleh kerana ubat tersebut disuntik keseluruh badan maka kesan-kesan negatif dari penggunaan ubat tersebut adalah seperti tekanan darah dan paras gula dalam darah akan tinggi, berat badan akan naik, jerawat akan timbul serta gastrik. Pengunaan Prednisolone berterusan sehingga hari kelima. Pada terakhir, Doktor telah membuat suntikan Prednisolone terus ke bawah mata tanpa menggunakan bius. Aduh.....punyalah sakit seperti isi terkoyak dan mata terkeluar. Keesokkan harinya, Sue dibenarkan keluar dan berehat di rumah lagi selama seminggu bagi memastikan mata sue benar-benar mendapatkan rehat yang cukup......

Sepanjang ditahan ....(hahahaha....mcm pulak penjenayah), Sue sempat mengambil gambar untuk tatapan bersama so layannnn aje..

Before Injection

After injection


I'm in love with you THOR... Jatuh cinta lagi dengan actor Christ Hemsworth dengan aksi lakonan in THOR. If got 11 star, i bagi semuanya sekali kat THOR. Rugi sekali kalau tidak tengok...

THOR 2011

      L-R :Chris Hemsworth, Anthony Hopkins and Tom Hiddleston. 

Last night, I went with Mezar, Cheche & Yana pigi tengok THOR at Cathay Cineplex dekat Kg. Air . Cerita mitos mengenai Thor (Chris Hemsworth) seorang Dewa Petir (God of Thunder) yang very brave but selalu terburu-buru dalam segala keputusan dan inginkan peperangan ke atas Frost Giant. Semasa Pertabalan Thor. konco-konco Frost Giant telah masuk ke Asgard atas pertolongan Loki adik kepada Thor yang cemburukan Thor dari kecil lagi.

Tanpa berfikir panjang Thor dengan rakan-rakan termasuk adiknya ke tempat Frost Giants tinggal. Akan tetapi tindakan Thor telah diketahui oleh Odin Allfather (Anthony Hopkins). Atas hukuman kerana ingkar atas arahan, Thor telah diturunkan ke Bumi dan segala kuasanya telah dihapuskan oleh Allfather (bapanya). Semasa Thor turun ke Bumi, dia telah bertemu dengan seorang Ahli fizik Jane Foster (Natalie Portman). Thor telah jatuh cinta kepada Jane dan berjanji akan bertemu dengannya setelah Thor berjaya menyelesaikan masalahnya dengan Loki. Diakhirnya cerita tersebut, jambatan yang menghubungkan Asgard dengan 9 Alam yang lain telah munsnah ketika bertarung dengan Loki dan Thor sangat kecewa tidak berjumpa dengan kekasihnya. Di Bumi pula, Janet sedaya upaya berusaha untuk mencari jalan bagaimana cara untuk dia berjumpa dengan Thor.... Nantikan part 2 movie THOR ini.....

The release of this silly but enjoyable new movie based on the Marvel superhero Thor, the ancient god of thunder, has triggered an extraordinary explosion of Thor-related puns online. Thousands of critics and bloggers all over the world have been competing to get in the best Thor joke. They have wondered if our troubled hero is entirely Thor about his destiny. They have noticed that certain things are a bit of a Thor point with him. They have remarked that bad things happen to good mythic superheroes, Norse the pity.
  1. Thor
  2. Production year: 2011
  3. Countries: UK, USA
  4. Cert (UK): 12A
  5. Runtime: 114 mins
  6. Directors: Kenneth Branagh
  7. Cast: Anthony Hopkins, Chris Hemsworth, Idris Elba, Jaimie Alexander, Jeremy Renner, Kat Dennings, Natalie Portman, Ray Stevenson, Rene Russo, Sir Anthony Hopkins, Stellan Skarsgard, Tom Hiddleston
  8. More on this film
This week, I became convinced that I had the best one: the supervillain that Thor should really face is … Mr Freeze. Thor, thaw, geddit? Look upon my matchlessly crafted play on words, ye Thor punsters, and despair. Yet the weird thing is that Thor really does appear to have ice-related opponents, the Frost Giants, leading me to wonder what is happening in the subconscious, psycho-linguistic levels of Stan Lee's mind.
The 27-year-old Australian star Chris Hemsworth plays the mighty thunder god himself, with flowing locks, and tungsten-hard abs. Up there in the halls of Asgard, this divine hothead is impatient with his wise, sonorous old dad Odin, played by Anthony Hopkins. Odin favours a Chamberlainesque peace with the Norse gods' ancient, malevolent enemies, the Frost Giants, despite the fact that these low-temperature villains have recently made a provocative trespass on to Asgard. Thor wants to get in there and kick some arse, to the unease of his prickly brother Loki, played by Tom Hiddleston.
Impetuously, irrepressibly, and without anything approaching a patriarchal say-so, Thor leads a posse of Norse god mates over the ancient bridge and prevails upon the Asgard gatekeeper, Heimdall, played by Idris Elba, to let them through, so that they can parley with the subzero baddies in their own icy domain. Inevitably, a fight kicks off and to punish his errant son for his diplomatic bêtise, Odin exiles Thor to earth where he is stripped of his powers, and must earn the right to regain them, and to wield his mighty hammer, Mjolnir, which has plunged down to earth with him. Like Excalibur, this can only be pulled out of the earth by a worthy candidate and so, like a fish out of water, or indeed like a Norse Crocodile Dundee, Thor must make sense of Earth, and he must also get it on with gorgeous earthling scientist Jane Foster – played byNatalie Portman – whose Scandinavian mentor (Stellan Skarsgård) tutors her in Norse myth.
Returning now to Stan Lee's subconscious mind, the Freudian implications of Thor's mighty hammer are plain enough. But ever since I bought the first UK edition of Spider-Man Comics Weekly in 1973, in which Thor was an eccentric supporting turn, I have wondered about that little leather strap that goes on the end of the handle. This is, presumably, to make the hammer a hands-free device. Thor will sometimes need to do things with both hands; it would be a bore to keep having to put the hammer down, and he scorns a Batman-style utility belt. So, as a child, I always expected a scene in which Thor was, say, queuing up in a canteen holding a tray with Mjolnir dangling mightily from one wrist. These former thoughts came back into my mind watching this – though at no point does Mjolnir's design-feature, the strap, actually get used. Perhaps when Thor 2 comes out, we will see him loop it round his hand for added crime-fighting convenience.
This movie is directed by Kenneth Branagh, and it is interesting to consider how, or if, this very intelligent and now unjustly maligned director has put his personal mark on the picture. I think he has, in the interesting way he has directed British newcomer Hiddleston in the ambiguous role of Loki. Hiddleston is a performer who came to prominence in the art films of Joanna Hogg, Unrelated and Archipelago. Making the leap to a commercial mainstream movie, it would have been very easy for Hiddleston to play Loki pretty much as a typical villain. But Hiddleston makes of this cartoon character something interestingly complicated: his Loki is nervous, sensitive, thin-skinned. Most of the Norse god characters stand around as if they are nothing more than action figures, but Hiddleston is trying to do something more. Inevitably, these nuances get a little lost in the mega-decibel thunder, but they are there, nonetheless. Now is the time for Branagh to direct another Shakespeare. My suggestion is Timon of Athens, with Hiddleston in the lead.
This Thor can be entirely ridiculous sometimes, and the world of Asgard does look sometimes like the digital universe of Tron, in the recent dodgy update. It underuses actors like Jeremy Renner and the Japanese star Tadanobu Asano in minuscule roles. But this is entertaining stuff, a serviceable summer movie and Asgard to be a good thing.